
AbLoads Police Quick Help Finder

Help! Show me where can I find the answer to:

I have a general question about AbLoads Police

  Give me a guided tour of AbLoads Police
  How do I start and close AbLoads Police?
  How do I back up the software?
  How do log in to AbLoads Police?
  Tell me more about each of the information displays
  How do I access each information display?
  Accessing further information detail from your left screen
  What do all the AbLoads Police menu items do?
  Viewing Abloads Police status
  What are Threshold alerts?
  Tell me more about the Daily Report 
  Why are some of the fields in AbLoads Police yellow?
  How do I move through the form fields?
  Does the software convert from imperial to metric measurements?
  Can I copy previous data entry lines forward?
  Does copy and paste work in Abloads Police?
  Can I copy previous movements forward that have the same or similar notification data and / or route information? 
  Can I use my mouse to zoom and scroll?
  How can I quickly load a notification and all its associated detail?
  Does the software check all vehicles on a mulit-vehicle notification automatically? 
  How does the Search facility work?
  Can I edit the information contained in the email response templates?
  Can I increase or decrease the font size in the display window?
I have a question about the inbox and email messages

  Where do I find the inbox?
  Give me a guided tour of the inbox
  What do the colours in the inbox mean?
  Tell me more about the information columns shown in the inbox
  Inbox and message toolbar icons and menu items – what do they do?
  How to I send, reply or forward a message?
  How do I view message attachments?
  How do I print an email message?
  How do I use the mailshot facility to send an email to a group of contacts?
  How do I recognise the sender of an email message?
  How do I remove SPAM or Junk email messages from the inbox?
  How do I reinstate an email addresses that has been added to the junk email list?


I have a question about the Movement details display

  Give me an overview of the Movements details display
  What do the icons on the Movements details display do?
  What do the menu items on the Movements details display do?
  How do I view all the activity within a movement record?
I have a question about the Haulier display

  Give me an overview of the Haulier display
  What do the icons on the Haulier display do?
  What do the menu items on the Haulier display do?
  How do I view Haulier or Company contact information?
  How do I add a NEW company to the Haulier display?
  How do I edit Haulier or Company contact information?
  How do I edit individual contact information?
  How do I view a Haulier's notification history?
  How do I view a hauliers dispensation information?

I have a question about the Mapping display

  Give me an overview of the Mapping display
  What do the colours on the map mean?
  Tell me more about the different mapping display views
  What do the mapping display menu items and icons do?
  How do I move around the Mapping display?
  Tell me more about the the draw rectangle tool
  How do I clear a plotted route or restore a cleared route?
  How do I find a road or a place or a road based on the road number?
  Can I view underlying road and restriction data from the Mapping display?
  Can I identify Easting and Northing coordinates within the Mapping display?
I have a question about the Restrictions display
  Give me an overview of the Restrictions display
  What are the different restriction types?
  What do the Restriction display menu items and icons do?
  How can I viewing restriction detail from the Restrictions display?
  How can I locate a restriction on the Mapping display?
  How can I view underlying road and restriction data on the Mapping display?
  Can I add a new restriction to a road segment? 
  Can I add a restriction to selected road segments like an entire road, for example?
  Can I add a restriction to a circular geographical area?
  Can I add a restriction to a rectangular or square geographical area?
  Can I add a restriction to our whole authority area?
  How do I edit an existing restriction to change some of the detail?
  How do I delete a restriction?
I have a question about the Dispensations display
I have a question about Auto processing

  Give me an overview of auto-processing
  Which type of notifications are suitable for auto-processing?
  How do I set up or start auto-processing?
  How do I set the software to auto process all suitable notifications?
  How do I set the software to auto process just the current notification?
  Can I select just a few notifications to be auto processed?
  How do I set the software to auto process only AbHaulier or ESDAL notifications?
  Tell me more about the auto processing report
  What do I do when notifications fail the auto process check?
Can I add call notes to a movement record?

  Tell more more about notes
  How do I add a note?
  How do I view previous notes?
Section 3


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